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Parting is such sweet sorrow, if...

BS"D There has been a friendly separating of the ways between Rabbis Chaim Clorfene and David Katz in our vision for the Noahide Torah world. I would not have the temerity to claim the right to explain or discuss the differences between Rabbi Katz and my hashkafa. Let me just state that they are basic and considerable. And I will reiterate that this is amicable. He is setting up his school and I am setting up mine. Hatzlacha rabba to both of us. I sincerely hope that this does not set up camps of people hostile to each other as exists now in the Noahide world. The reason for this is that B’nai Noah, mankind at large was and still is ruled by Shem Elokim.

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Chaim Clorfene
thoughts about thoughts.

BS"D Next to Dave Barry's "the only Dave Barry travel guide you will ever need," I am just finishing the best bathroom book I have ever read, the diary of Eric Hoffer, 1958-59. I would rank Eric Hoffer's book, The True Believer, thoughts on mass movements as a book of genuine wisdom, not Torah but wisdom that can be applied to Torah. But his diary gives an insight into a truly extraordinary human being, a Russian longshoreman working the docks in San Francisco who never attended grammar school, but who thought and wrote. He lived alone, never married and spend all his free with a married woman and her son, and only occasionally the husband. Self educated, but profoundly well educated (he read everything) and knew something about everything and a great deal about a few things, about life, about society, about freedom, about change. He consider the intellectual to be the ultimate tyrant and enemy of freedom. The intellectual is corrupted by power more than any other person. And he is not satisfied with his rulership until he has you crawling on your hands and knees and begging for the very thing that you hate. I call anything that manipulates people without their knowledge, subliminally or through the use of ritual and tradition, a form a kishuf, witchcraft. All religion is steeped in witchcraft. And what is worse. All religion has some element of the truth held captive. And only now in this generation, do we have the power and knowledgle to remove the captive spark in all of them except one, kelipat Amalek. But soon ... its days are coming to an end, Baruch Hashem.

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Chaim Clorfene
coming home.

BS”D  You know what my problem with Chicago is? It does not have a Yiddishe tam, a Jewish flavor. New York has a Jewish flavor. Miami has a Jewish flavor. Los Angeles has a Jewish flavor. But take a stroll down Michigan Avenue, the heart of Chicago…no Yiddishe tam. I love the goyim. They are my brothers, blood brothers. But I cannot understand how a Yid could live in a place without a Yiddishe tam.

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Chaim Clorfene
I love Ger Toshav.

BS”D  For many years, I have viewed the term “Ger Toshav” with some animosity. Why? Because the term Ger Toshav does not exist in the Torah. And because there are other perfectly good terms that do exist in the Torah, namely Ger (without the Toshav) and Gercha asher b’Sha’arecha, the Ger in your gates. So why make up a new term when the old term will exist unto eternity because it is the Torah, whereas the new term will cease to exist one day because it is created by human agency and is therefore mortal. Being no stranger to conspiratorial thinking, I smelled a hulda. And not the prophetess, but the dreadful creature that our cat, Doofus, brought us as a present the other day. And I wondered and wondered…why Ger Toshav, other than to confuse the truth? Today, the light dawned. Even though Ger Toshav is a legal fiction, an entity that exists only by virtue of the man made rules of its existence (that is a good definition of halacha in general), those rules are the Ger Toshav’s value and greatness. It gives the person a structured identity. And this is essential because

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Chaim Clorfene
A Hasid by any other name

The Rambam calls the righteous Gentiles Hasidei Umot Ha-Olam, the non-Jewish Hasidim, the Hasidim of all mankind. Hassidim are known primarily by three traits 

    1. They value chesed over din (mercy over justice), 

    2. They do more than the law requires

    3. Their path is the path of tefillah (prayer and meditation). 

Chanina ben Dosa was one of the early Chassidim of the Mishnaic period. He meditated nine hours a day and prayed three hours a day, and he was on a much higher level than the great Talmidei Chachamim of his generation, who sat and learned day and night.


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Chaim Clorfene
Drinky-winky on the New Year?


If someone were to ask me what I thought were the two most important verses in the Torah, I would probably choose Deuteronomy 30:19,20, “I call upon heaven and earth to witness concerning you today (hayom), that I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, choose life so that you may live, you and your seed. To love Hashem  your G-d, to listen to His voice and to bond (devekut) with Him, for He is your life and the length of your days, so that you may dwell in the land which Hashem swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob.” 


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Chaim Clorfene
Growing up


When I was a kid in Chicago on the west side, we used to say, “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” It was a snotty way of saying that it is none of your business. This is the motto of a healthy society, one that will thrive and continue. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” 


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Chaim Clorfene
The Nilveh Imperative

BS"D  Jewish meditation is different from all other meditations in that it is essentially Jewish. And it also different from all other aspects of Judaism in that it is meditative. Can  you see any of the Serious Six meditating? I think not. Why not? Because Jewish meditation causes a person to step out of line and search for G-d. Think Manischewitz Tam Tams. Is there any food more Jewish than Manischewitz Tam Tams? You can pop them as spiritual steroid pills. Jewish meditation is also spiritual steroids, but on a higher

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Chaim Clorfene
My last word on the matter of Ger.

BS”D  My last word on the Ger. The anti-Ger rabbis claimed to have said their last word in the matter of Ger. Now, it is my turn. This is my final Ger article. Enough is enough I always say. They can insult me, tear my writing apart or Torah apart. They can call me an apikoros. They can do their worst (which believe me is bad) and I will not respond, bli neder.

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Chaim Clorfene
Rebbe Eliezer's gates


Concerning our individual and collective struggle for or against Ger, there are four essential points that we must not forget:

1. Exile and Redemption (Galut and Geulah) are opposites.

2. We have left the 2600 year era of Galut and have entered the “new heavens and new earth” of Geulah.

3. Ger is a prime factor in Geulah.

4. Ger did not exist in Galut.

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Chaim Clorfene
What do I hear about hashkafa?


I hear some people do not know what hashkafa means or how to communicate its meaning to others. I would answer that by explaining my general hashkafa in terms of Ger. Firstly, hashkafa means outlook, outlook driven by ratzon, will.  

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Chaim Clorfene
Hooray! Ger is here to stay.


Hooray! Ger is here to stay.

Ger is not going away. What good does it do to poison the minds of some fringe rabbis about Ger and about Katz and Clorfene and Kirk?

Right now, between the U.S. and Texas, Guatemala, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina,  South Africa, the Philippines, Australia, Norway, England, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Romania, Poland, Russia, and India, there are an estimated 26,500 non-Jewish Ger, G-d fearing, mitzvah loving, companions of Israel, all of whom have come to the Torah and have been accepted by G-d as the fourth estate of Israel. And the number is growing every day. And it cannot be stopped. All

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Chaim Clorfene
Going from chaos to perfection

Going from chaos to perfection.


I posted the following article on April 23, 2017. I am posting it again because it is more relevant today than it was seven months ago. And I added a postscript that may bring peace to the bloody war between Ger and Noahism, which has erupted as a kendo match between Rav K and Rav B (may Hashem open his eyes to the truth), as David said to Doeg, (Psalms 52:3), “Why do you pride yourself with evil, O mighty warrior. Don’t you realize that the kindness of the Al-mighty is all day?” So here is the April 23 article:

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Chaim Clorfene
The War between Galut and Geulah (Exile and Redemption)

BS”D “Every defender of the faith is presumed to be a liar.” – Irving J. Rabinowitz, Jewish philosopher (no concept too big, no concept to small.)

Rabbi Z attacked me online for calling him a demon. In the Talmud (Pesachim 112a), we learn that it is the nature of a demon to damage. Rabbinic demons tried to assassinate the Ramchal. He had to shave his beard and flee to Holland where he hid out as a diamond cutter. Rabbi Z is a rabbinic demon. There are others.

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Chaim Clorfene
My grandfather's shofar


I mentioned in the last blogpost that my childhood home had no Judaism in it. Nevertheless, my parents were meticulously honest, refined and disciplined people. My father, Yisrael Ber, alav hashalom, was a prosecuting attorney for Cook County, Illinois (he once prosecuted Al Capone and lost). Later, he was a municipal court judge in Chicago. My father was a marvel of discipline. He once confided to me that in the whole of his marriage to my mother, he never went to the refrigerator to see what’s inside, not once.

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Chaim Clorfene
Thoughts about Rosh Hashanah


Shalom and blessings. I would like to mention a few things as we start moving in on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. And I must preface them by admitting that I was raised in a completely non-religious, secular Jewish home. However, both sets of grandparents were observant, and my maternal grandfather, Ze’ev Yehoshua, ben Moshe Brin, alav hashalom, was a schochet and a mohel and a baal tefillah (cantor).  

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Chaim Clorfene
Making America safe again.


BS"D I do not want to be a doom-sayer, but I would say that America is doomed. On the face of things, the only thing that could save America is if the patriotic Americans unify and persuade the military and the police to round up all the communists and fascists and do a frontal lobotomy on the lot of them. But that is a harsh and horrible way to do anything and could result in a tragedy and sorrow. And nobody wants that. At least, nobody I know.

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Chaim Clorfene
Are quickie conversions kosher?


The Shulchan Arukh HaRav rules that we are not allowed to proselytize. This means that, according to halacha (Jewish Law), it is forbidden to persuade or entice or even request a non-Jew to convert and become Jewish.

In fact, if a non-Jew comes to a rabbi or any religious Jew and tells him that he or she wants to convert, the halacha is that the Jew must reject him three times.

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Chaim Clorfene
Tshuvah (Repentance) and the Noahide Ger.

BS"D We are rapidly approaching a period of the year that, most notably, stands between Galut and Geulah (Exile and Redemption). It is from the beginning of the month of Elul to Yom Kippur, a period of 40 days. And when I say Exile here, I mean the exile of the soul, spiritual exile.

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Chaim Clorfene
Meditating on the Ten Lost Tribes

BS"D  In order to meditate on the Ten Lost Tribes, we have to understand who they are, their nature as a people, and how many of them are in the world at this time.

There are two categories of Ten Lost Tribespersons:

1) Those who need us.

2) Those who are needed by us.

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Chaim Clorfene